Fish Noodles

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  1. RichMama鱼面 / Fish Noodles
  2. 江鱼仔高汤  大约800ml / Ikan bilis stock about 800ml
  3. 香菇5 (浸泡至软,去蒂切片)/ 5 Mushroom (soak until soft, remove stems and slice)
  4. 菜心 3-4棵(洗净,切段)/ Choy sum 3-4pcs
  5. 鱼丸 适量 / Fish Balls
  6. 炸蒜蓉 适量 / Fried Garlic


  1. 适量 / Salt
  2. 酱油 适量 / Soy Sauce


  1. 煮一锅热水,水滚后将RichMama鱼面加入煮软,沥干水分备用 / Boil a pot of hot water. When the water boils, add RichMama fish noodles and cook until soft.
  2. 在一个锅里倒入适量的高汤,开火加热,放入鱼丸、香菇、菜心 / Add in the ikan bilis stock into pot and boil it. After that, put the fish ball, mushroom and Choy sum into pot
  3. 加入其它材料和调味料,再次煮滚,熄火 / Add other ingredients and seasonings and boiling it.
  4. 碗内加入事先煮熟的RichMama鱼面,将汤淋上,撒上少许炸蒜蓉即可食用 / Add the pre-cooked RichMama fish noodles into the bowl, pour the soup over it, sprinkle with a little fried garlic and ready to serve.